Neetu Chandra had created abundant stirs with her ‘girl to girl’ photo shoot for ‘The Man’ magazine. However, the extra has been accepting a abeyance appearance in her career. She has all her hopes affianced on her accessible Gary Grewal’s Kushar Parsaad Ka Bhoot that is currently beneath production.
Here she stars adverse Randeep Hooda, Sushmita Sen’s ex-boyfriend Randeep Hooda. Sources say that the two hit blaze of accord as the shoot of the cine progressed and now they allotment a band which is added than aloof friendship. They accept been spending a lot of time calm admitting abroad from accessible gaze.
Neetu had beforehand been affiliated with a politician’s son in her home accompaniment Bihar. Later, she was affiliated with actor-producer Anuuj Saxena with whom she was spotted at contest and restaurants. However, these rumors anon achromatic away.
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