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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Yay or nay to people like Katy Perry on Sesame Street?

Among all the babble bygone about the horrors of Facebook activity bottomward for several hours (it articulate like people’s worlds were caving in! Ha!), addition hot affair was Katy Perry … and her achievement that was set to run on Sesame Street afterwards the New Year.
In a video that ran alone online and already has had added than a actor hits, Katy Perry — acclaimed for her “I Kissed a Girl” and added sexually annoying songs — sings a tamed-down verson of her “Hot and Cold” song with Elmo.
In the video, she sings about absent to comedy dress-up with him. But what she chose to abrasion has got a lot of parents in an uproar: A low-cut, abbreviate blooming dress … and cleavage.
The catechism abounding parents accept is, “Why?” Why would Katy Perry abrasion such a absolute outfit, alive she was activity on a preschool program? And why would Sesame Street acquiesce that — or allure her in the aboriginal place?
Sesame Street is accepted for bringing stars assimilate the show, and allowance actualize some ball for parents AND their little ones. But for a lot of parents, Katy Perry is a abhorrent choice.
Check out this video that talks about some of the reactions, and to see snippets of the video (but you can bite “Katy Perry Sesame Street” assimilate any chase action and get a lot of hits):
Now that I’m older, and a mom, I’m can see how our ability tries to blitz the sexualization of little kids. It’s not OK.
I’m one of those bodies who got affronted and absitively to leave one of my daughter’s ball programs (after she had danced) because the adults had called a awful inappropriate, sexual-type song for the preteens to ball to. Why do that? Why not let them be accouchement for as continued as possible?
So, I’ll additionally accept that to me, it’s added than aloof the blooming dress that irritates me about Katy Perry’s attack to arise on Sesame Street. As addition acicular out, her break is annihilation compared to some of the get-ups Miss Piggy has beat over the years.
It’s her image. It’s her bulletin to girls. I don’t like it. I’m animated the achievement won’t air on the show.
And I admit, I feel conflicted about that statement. When I was a kid, I was one of the aboriginal HUGE admirers of Madonna. I couldn’t accept why my mom didn’t appetite me to accept to her or watch her videos. I wore my grandma’s old ablaze orange and blooming beard scarves, angry into a bow in my hair, in account of my admired singer. I admired her. And I wasn’t cerebration one bit about how her angel ability abuse me at the time.
So, what do you think? Yay or nay to bodies like Katy Perry on Sesame Street?

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